Oral hygiene.. discuss amongst yourselves.
We rarely do it - but we should. I've become so obsessed with my oral health I purchased electric toothbrushes from Bruush for everyone I love.
Then a few weeks ago I was listening to the goop Podcast Gwyneth Paltrow x Valerie Kanter: The Next Level of Oral Health and realized, I'm not the only one.
I truly believe our mouths are the gate way into our bodies, and yet we rarely take the time to truly ensure we are taking care of it.
So does the founder of Gaia Smiles, Maddie, a holistic nutritionist.
The first thing she learned was that the most essential and effective way to improve digestion is to CHEW. She became obsessed with protecting and caring for her most precious digestive assets.
Maddie: My dentist experience reflects the passive cultural attitude about oral care: we outsource, just like when we take our cars to the mechanic.
Gaia Smiles is her attempt to introduce a more holistic approach to oral care in general - one that creates a more engaged relationship with our mouths.
Maddie "I dream of a culture that puts as much thought and care into oral hygiene as it does skincare! Don’t go and quit the dentist though (they have important jobs). My hope is that you’ll have a better understanding of what’s happening in your mouth, what’s ‘normal’ for you, and hopefully save a couple bucks at your next appointment by preventing decay."
Their business started off as a little DIY experiment spurred on by Maddie's own need for a mineral-rich, toxin-free toothpaste.
Among the first editions were baking-soda-based formulas, coconut oil pastes, and one batch where she tried a recipe that was saltier than the sea itself.
After months of trial, error and experiments on friends - Maddie landed on an early version of the formula, which they still use today.
Try out Gaia Smiles products, online & in store... not sure?
We have samples for you to try out - worse case... you'll clean your dirty mouth
#cleanmouth #healthydigestion #begoodtoyourinsides
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